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NPHS Homecoming in full swing

Homecoming is in full swing at New Prague High School. Events for homecoming celebration began Friday, Sept. 15, continued Sunday, Sept. 17, with the powderpuff football game and has included dress-up days from Monday, Sept. 18, through Friday, Sept. 22.
Friday there will also be the homecoming football game as New Prague takes on Rochester Century, 7 p.m., at Trojan Stadium. Following the game will be the homecoming dance in the high school’s gym.
Homecoming events On Sept. 15, it was class color day as seniors wore black, juniors wore light blue, sophomores wore green, freshmen wore red and high school staff wore white.
The powderpuff football game was held at Trojan Stadium Sept. 17, as girls of the senior and junior classes fought for bragging rights. The senior Class of 2024 won by a score of 7-0.
Dress-up days at the school have included comfy day on Monday, where comfy clothes such as pajamas and sweatpants were worn. Tuesday was jersey day and Wednesday was Barbie day, with students dressed like a Barbie character or wore pink. Today (Thursday, Sept. 21) is Adam Sandler day, the actor who is known for wearing oversized basketball shorts, shirts and sweatshirts and students can wear that type of appropriate clothing. Also today, there are elementary school pepfests at Raven Stream in New Prague and Eagle View in Elko New Market.
Friday’s dress-up day is themed “Trojan Pride” with the high school’s pepfest at 11:30 a.m. in the gym, the homecoming parade is 1:15 p.m. with it starting at the high school, going south on Columbus Avenue then west onto Main Street and ending at NW Second Avenue, near Strike Force Bowl.